This should be pretty self-explanatory. Yahoo ate Geocities. Consumed it. Swallowed it whole and spit out the feet. And in the process, royally screwed me over.
Yahoo installed new file manager software. What, the old stuff wasn't good enough? Why the hell couldn't they have kept the old stuff accessible? And why does it matter?, you yawn.
Because my browser is apparently incompatible with their new software.
I assume that's the problem. I have no idea. All I know for sure is, I signed their effin' agreement, I received email confirmation of my new "status" as a Yahoo account, and I tried to log in. Several dozen times over the course of two weeks. Finally I emailed their euphemistically-named "Customer Care" droid and received a canned response suggesting I check their FAQ for logging in.
Bite me, droid.
Bad enough I had to sign their effin' agreement, which forked over all my copyrights and all my material to them. It sucked, totally. But I figured, I'll sign it, go in, and remove my site, lock, stock, and barrel.
Couldn't get in. Still can't. Even after I signed their second "agreement," which basically said, "Uh, look, we effed up totally, sorry, we can't really do that, so we'll let all you people keep your own copyrights and stuff, okay?"
Okay, Yahoo-Stuffed-with-Geocities. Explain yourselves. Fine, so you wanted to make your own mark on what had been a pretty good, functional site. Did you really have to screw me out of my site? I liked Geocities. I was prepared to stay with Geocities-Devoured-by-Yahoo despite your insane conditions. What the hell is so great about your file manager software, anyway?
It totally sucks, from my point of view.
Did you ever stop to think what effect this "technology upgrade" might have on many of your members? Or were you all too busy congratulating yourselves on the putative size of your own members to realize that your "cutting edge" software would cut out a lot of people?
Do you even care?
Comments? Got a beef of your own? Email me! This may not be a corner in Hyde Park, but maybe we can work something out.
Last updated: 6 January 2001. Copyright 1999-2006.