The Super-Secret Recipe File: Some low-cost gift ideas: Michele's suggestions

Gift Basket ideas:

I also don't buy wrapping paper very often. Most of us give gifts in boxes, so save a tree and decorate the box! I have my groceries bagged in paper and never throw the bags away. When a gift comes in its own box, I wrap it in the paper bags, then decorate, if its a plain box, I just leave off the paper. I save enough on wrapping paper to buy ornaments to attach. Most crafters already have an assortment of paints, stencils, markers, etc. to use to decorate. You can also buy glitter glue pens, use cutouts from magazines, whatever stikes your fancy. Also try using brown paper bags as gift bags. Use twine and a glue gun to attach a handle and decorate. Tissue paper is much cheaper than wrapping paper. Add a few ribbons and Taa-Daahhhh!

All the prices I listed are dollar store prices, but youd be surprised at what you can get at Garden Ridge if you watch the sales.

As always, if you have a recipe you want to share, Email me!